首页 Menu委员会 & 委员会 Vacancies/应用程序
委员会, 委员会, 董事会成员担任顾问角色,通过向市议会和市工作人员提出建议和建议,帮助指导政策. This system of commissions is intended to be representative of, 对…有反应, the communities they serve.
Recruitment for all City Boards & 佣金 for the 2025/26 term will open on
Tuesday, September 3, 2024. The recruitment period will close on December 31, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
您可以提交申请,以便将来未安排的空缺得到考虑. 应用程序 are kept on file for two years. 提交一个 应用程序 online or contact the 市文员办公室 at clerk@libradekor.com to request a hard copy of the 应用程序 be mailed to you.
Guidelines for Applicants
申请人必须填写并提交一份申请,才可获考虑预约. Beyond the submission of an 应用程序, 本署向申请人提供以下指引,供他们在进行聘用程序时参考. Following these guidelines is encouraged but not required. If an applicant does not satisfy one or more guideline, he or she is not automatically disqualified as an applicant. 相反,遵循所有的指导方针并不能保证预约. 这是留给申请人的自由裁量权,他或她选择如何进行任命过程.
- Timely filing of an 应用程序 for consideration;
- 对申请中提出的问题作出深思熟虑的回答;
- 在作出任命的会议之前,与市长和市议会成员联系,讨论任命事宜;
- Attending a commission or committee meeting;
- Appearing and speaking at the Council meeting at which the appointment is considered; and
- 社区成员在考虑任命的理事会会议上通过材料和意见支持申请人.
- Seeking geographic representation by district;
- Evaluating the opportunity to serve or re-apply;
- A commitment to encourage diversity in representation.
大多数委员会和委员会的申请格式都是相同的. 应用程序 and submitted materials are public records.
申请的主要目的是收集有关申请人的信息. 申请人可以在提交的申请中包含任何数量的附加附件. 市政府鼓励申请人在简历中附上额外的信息附件, 比如简历, letters of recommendation, 个人陈述, and/or introductory letters, 如果相关. 所有申请和提交的补充材料由工作人员编制并分发给市议会.
提交申请的截止日期是一个程序性的截止日期,目的是为市文员办公室编制和分发申请提供时间, 核实申请人是否符合担任空缺职位的要求, and to meet agenda publishing deadlines. 在公布的提交截止日期之后收到申请,但仍在任命考虑日期之前, those 应用程序s are verified, then circulated as staff memos, and included for consideration of the vacancy appointment.
Process of the Appointment Consideration
所有委任事宜均在市议会公开会议上作为议程项目进行. 提交的申请将被合并,并在任命审议之前的星期五转交给市议会全体成员. 当在任命中听取该项目时,有机会征求公众意见,其中可能包括潜在申请人的意见, supporters of applicants, standing members of City committees and commissions, 以及普通大众. 在公众评议期间,每位发言者将有三分钟发言时间, 如果收到大量的发言请求,由市长决定发言时间或更短.
After public comment is received on the appointment consideration, 公众对该问题的意见征询期结束,市议会随后审议该问题. 所有任命均由市长任命,并经市议会批准. The mayor announces those individuals for appointment, 经市议会同意,这些任命将最终确定. Following the appointment consideration item, 市文员办公室将通知所有申请人预约结果. For those individuals not selected, their 应用程序s remain on file for two years, 他们将收到礼貌的通知,可以再次申请在这两年内可能出现的同一委员会或委员会的任何空缺.
Appointments and reappointments are made every two years. 没有任期限制,董事会或委员会的任何成员都可以在招聘期间重新申请和寻求连任.
Members appointed to fill an unscheduled vacancy, 任期届满后,须于预定招聘期间再次申请.
培训 and Filing Requirements for Appointees
被任命者将收到市政府关于公开会议法(布朗法案)的指导手册和培训。. Certain appointed positions, such as the 计划委员会 and 上诉委员会, 将要求公平政治事务委员会提交一份经济利益声明(FPPC表格700),并将要求遵守国家要求的公共海洋之神登录入口道德和反骚扰培训.
How to Stay Informed of Vacancy Openings
Notices for unscheduled vacancies are published in the newspaper, posted at City Hall and on the City's website, 招聘广告通过伦敦金融城的社交媒体传播渠道发布. 之前的申请, or individuals who have submitted an interest to serve, are provided a courtesy notice when a recruitment is initiated. 伦敦金融城的网站还为个人提供了一个选择,让他们注册一个 电子邮件通知 when vacancy opportunities are posted on the City website. 从核准任用到审议任用,平均征聘时间约为一个月.
在偶数年的市长选举结束后, the City Clerk is initiates a recruitment for the positions, 任命的审议安排在1月份的会议或2月份的第一次会议上进行. 由于不可预见的情况,任用考虑可能会推迟. 如果发生延误,申请人将被市办事员办公室通知.
Please contact the 市文员办公室 at clerk@libradekor.com or 916-617-4500.