City of West Sacramento
首页 Menu公共工程
2024 Sweeping Schedule
的 2024 Street Sweeping Schedule 已经到达! 请看一看!
What Does the 公共工程 Department Do?
的 City of West Sacramento 公共工程 Department is responsible for the City's road, 水, 下水道, 雨水沟, 设施, 舰队, and equipment maintenance. 除了, this department operates and maintains the City’s 水处理 Plant, the City’s Street Sweeping Program, and the Graffiti and Pothole Hotline. 查看海洋之神官方网站的 street sweeping schedule 和地图.
What used to be the Engineering and Mobility divisions have branched off to become their own department! To see information on City projects or 运输 please visit the new Capital Projects page or the 运输 page.
的 Environmental 海洋之神登录入口 division has also found a new home within the City's Community Development department. To view their services please visit the Environmental 海洋之神登录入口 and Sustainability Division page!
How are potholes fixed?
How is pothole repair prioritized?